Friday, February 22, 2008

ADDY Screen Dress

[click to view - 3 images total]

This year we hosted the 2007 ADDY competition. Because of this I was asked to make the screen dress for the awards ceremony. The ADDYs decided to have a Broadway theme and asked that I create my design to fit a Broadway look.

I started by taking the ADDY logo into after effects and created a neon version of it. I did this by creating mask splines and applying Trapcode's 3D stroke to them to create thickness. I then added the glow effect. I changed the comp to 32 bit float to achieve the hot glows and then rendered out a still of the logo. I brought that into Photoshop and created the rest of the comp.

The dancers I cut out and brought into AE to create the lights shining behind them. For this I made spotlights and applied Trapcode's Lux to make them volume lights. I rendered out the still and applied it to my Photoshop comp.

Hope you like it.

On a side note the "I Am A Boilermaker" poster campaign took home 1 Silver, 2 Gold, Judge's Choice and People's Choice ADDY awards. It was a fun night.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Scud Color Study

[click to view - 2 images total]

Recently Rob Schrab was kind enough to allow me to help him cleanup some books for his Scud omnibus. While working on them I ran across a panel of Scud discovering that his loaner arm once belonged to a werewolf and I found myself remembering how much I loved that illustration. One thing that I've always wanted to try was coloring a comic. Suddenly, with this panel drawn by Rob, I had a black and white comic panel to work on and found myself wanting to try it out. The other day I had some free time and sat down to work on it and after showing it to Rob and finding out he liked it I decided to post it here. Please be sure to go over to his blog to find out more about Scud.

I used Photoshop and a Wacom tablet to do all the work.