Monday, April 2, 2007

Dodge Ball!

In my last post I talked about fun things I've worked on for Young Life so I decided to post a 30 sec. commercial my friend Matt Wallace and I made for a YL event. It's a commercial for an all-area dodge ball tournament that was shown at the various clubs around town leading up to the event. We just thought it would be funny to have some guys training up for the tournament with bad 80's big-hair rock music and cheesy graphics so that's what we made. We shot the whole thing in about 1 hour and edited it that night. Matt did all the vocals and V/O and I edited it and made the graphics. The graphics were all made in after effects and I just used the stock lightening effect which I always found a bit cheesy. Throw in some explosions and in-your-face 3D text and call it a night. Overall the commercial was well received by the kids and the closing "DODGE BALL!" gut-belting lyric that Matt threw in at the end became the de facto rock phrase to yell randomly at clubs the remainder of the year.


Shelly Rowlan said...

Josh. Could you change your video a little bit to advertise for our event? You could keep everything exactly the same (I LOVE IT!) except change the date, location, etc.,? I am in charge of advertisement for our Church dodgeball tournament. Let me know.

Shelly Rowlan said...

You can email me directly if that's easier.

Thanks. I really want to work something out. Your video is SOOO perfect.